Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) Certificates


An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python

C++ For C Programmers

Calculus Single Variable

Coding the Matrix Linear Algebra through Computer Science Applications

Computer Networks

Crafting an Effective Writer Tools of the Trade

Functional Programming Principles in Scala

How things work 1

Introduction to Psychology

Malicious Software and its Underground Economy Two Sides to Every Story

Nutrition and Physical Activity for Health

Nutrition for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention

Social Psychology

Startup Engineering

Structure Standing Still The Statics of Everyday Objects

The Hardware Software Interface

The Science of Gastronomy

An Introduction to Interactive Programming in Python

C++ For C Programmers

Calculus Single Variable

Coding the Matrix Linear Algebra through Computer Science Applications

Computer Networks

Crafting an Effective Writer Tools of the Trade

Functional Programming Principles in Scala

How things work 1

Introduction to Psychology

Introduction to Psychology

Malicious Software and its Underground Economy Two Sides to Every Story

Nutrition and Physical Activity for Health

Nutrition for Health Promotion and Disease Prevention

Social Psychology

Startup Engineering

Structure Standing Still The Statics of Everyday Objects

The Hardware Software Interface

The Science of Gastronomy


  • BerkeleyX CS-169.1x Software as a Service

  • BerkeleyX CS-169.2x Software as a Service


  • Astronomy Discovering the Universe

  • Becoming Human Anthropology

  • Financial Literacy

  • Food, Nutrition & Your Health

  • Foundations of Psychology